Simchat Torah 2010





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Wednesday, Sept 29 - Sunday, October 3, 2010


Early Bird Deadline                   Midnight Sunday, 9/19/2010

Final RSVP Deadline                 Midnight Sunday 9/26/2010



This weekend is occurring at a kosher run retreat center, which is funded in part by the federation. They have policies to ensure that events occur as scheduled and they rent the facility out nearly every day of the year. I always want to run my events leanly and tell people what  I know when I know it, so I want to be upfront about all of these new policies, which are being imposed upon me and all of us by the Retreat Center. These policies mean a few things will change for this event vs what many of you may be used to for my other events:


Money and Registration

· Deposits Needed to Register and get Initial Rush and Early Bird Rates

Registration will be completed once we get a $150 deposit per person ($300 for couples/families) from everyone coming  - IF YOU DO NOT HAVE REGISTRATIONS IN ON TIME, YOU WILL NOT GET THE REDUCED INITIAL RUSH AND EARLY BIRD RATES.  See details on the rates, deposits and payment page.

· DEPOSITS ARE NON REFUNDABLe 3 DAYS after you register or anytime after September 19, 2010

 The Retreat center has required me to make a large deposit to reserve the weekend. I need to do the same with everyone coming. Therefore, once 3 days elapse from your RSVP  or any time after September 19 (whichever is first), all deposits are non-refundable. Approved switches,  with new individuals taking your place may be allowed but are subject to advance approval. For all the information, see the details on the rates, deposits and payment page.

· You Must Pay in Full in Advance of the Weekend

 The Retreat Center  is asking me to give a check for  most of the costs for the entire weekend while we are up there. Therefore, I need all of your monies in advance and we are instituting a policy that you can’t come on the weekend unless we have your payment in hand. All checks will need to be mailed no later than about 2 weeks before the weekend, and must be mailed by WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25.


In order to make some of these new restrictions simpler for folks, I am allowing people to pay the entire amount of the hefty deposits and the weekend fee via credit card. You must be signed up with the paypal service to do this. All of the details and the paypal link for this can be found on the Rates, Deposits and Payments page.

Rides and buses

· No arranged Rides

· organized buses

· Ride list will be distributed, but Organized buses or train service will likely be required for many

There are a few ways to get to the place. Your own or your friend’s car, rides we will publicize in a google spreadsheet, a metro north train and a shuttle ride from the Retreat, or a bus we will organize at about $45—$60 per person.

For all of the specifics, please visit the  Rides, Trains and Buses Page. Just realize that many of you who can’t get a ride with a friend or drive yourself will need to take the bus we are hoping to organize.



· ON Wednesday. No check-in earlier than 1:00 PM For use of Facility, 2 pm for access to rooms.

· All ROOM Checkouts from rooms no later than 11:30 am on Sunday, use of facility until 4:00 pm

 The Isabella Freedman Retreat Center is rented out nearly every week and most days of the year. As such, they need time between groups to properly convert the property and make it ready for us and the next group. Therefore, you may not arrive earlier than 1:00 PM On Wednesday. For those coming up at 1:00, you will be able to register, get some welcome food, stash your bags in the main building and begin using the facilities. You can get access to your rooms NO EARLIER THAN 2:00 PM ON Wednesday.

Check out is a particular issue.

YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR ROOM, WITH ALL YOUR POSESSIONS, BY 11:30 AM on Sunday. The retreat center will allow us to store our luggage in the main building and make use of the facilities until 4:00 PM.  We just need to be out of the rooms for good by 11:30 AM. There is a $50 per room charge if you are not out by 11:30 AM, so please ensure compliance with this policy.

I have negotiated with the Retreat Center  about these items and have no flexibility here. So please help me help you. This is truly a gem of a place, and I would like to come here annually, so help us all out by following the above policies.



· Some rooms with private baths, some semi-private, some dorm style

 There are 3 levels of rooms at the facility

Deluxe Lodge Rooms (large amount—30 rooms, plus 3 family suites of 2 rooms), with Private Bathrooms  - half are 2 people per room, half are  3 people per room. 4 rooms are also handicap accessible.

Standard Rooms (moderate number, 14 rooms ) all with sinks, in 2 small self contained cottages  with 4 rooms each cottage and 2 shared bathrooms a few feet away inside the cottage—2 people per room, each cottage will all be designated for the same sex (including 1 additional cottage with some 2 room family suites)

Basic Rooms (moderate number, 18 rooms)— 2 people per room, 2buildings with shared dorm style bathrooms, one for men, one for women. All rooms have sinks and 3 beds per room (1 a bunkbed), but I intend to limit each room to 2 people unless we are overflowing.

Most of the rooms are deluxe. Once we run out of a category of rooms, that’s it! For more details and some pictures, visit our room descriptions page.


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